After reconnecting with my biological mother's family I was touched by their heartfelt generosity. During our first meeting I was presented with Rosie's personal photo album and a small silver baby cup bearing her engraved initials. I was told it was a gift to her from an uncle. No longer was Rosie only an abstract idea in my mind; at long last I had a tangible connection to my mother. The emotions at that moment were overwhelming and I wasn't prepared to receive such amazing gifts. This scene was repeated on the morning of my birthday, a week or so ago on September 3rd.
Fairly soon after reconnecting earlier this spring, I suggested to my newly found family it might be nice to spend my birthday with them this year at their home in Pennsylvania. As I've written before, I think our reconnecting has been as much about them finding me as me finding them. So, inviting myself to their place didn't seem out of place. They were eager to celebrate and after 45 years of missed birthdays we agreed it was about time.
Rosie's Baby Book and other items |
The highlight of the day, as with any birthday, was opening gifts. And much like the photo album and silver cup, these gifts were personal and very touching. First was a five DVD collection of their family movies, beginning in 1959 through the late 1960's. I've since watched the videos and they contain archive footage of Rosie as a young girl, teenager, and young woman. Among other things, it shows her going to prom, marching in a parade, and playing the piano. It also shows her tearfully opening a box on Christmas morning containing the typewriter she had desperately wanted. It also shows Uncle Jerry gleefully opening a train set from Santa Claus. Also quite moving were the images of my Grandma and Grandpa Higgins hugging, kissing, laughing and holding each other under mistletoe. It also shows vacations, snow storms, croquet, picnics, and a lot of horsing around. In all, it shows a happy family. My family.
Uncle Jerry then handed me a large overstuffed envelope. I was amazed to discover Rosie's permanent record. That's right, it was her final grade card from high school and other personal paperwork. Sadly, I did not inherit her praiseworthy scholastic abilities. The envelope also included her diploma, class pendent, tassel, and a choir pin. I have the same items from my mom and they will soon all be displayed side by side with their graduation portraits. Two kinds of love, to be sure.
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A lovely card and sentiment |
All of these gifts, and most importantly the time I've spent with my biological family, reinforce to me that something has been missing from my life for the past 45 years. In the past I've written my desire to find my biological family was done out of curiosity more than some emotional desire. Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps I wasn't able to recognize this need in myself as easily as my mom did when she encouraged me to search. Part of my identity has been missing and this was made clear to me during my visit to Pennsylvania. Beyond all the things I received that had belonged to my mother, simply sitting with my family was the biggest blessing. It was wonderful and I especially enjoyed chatting with my cousin Emily. I'm several years older but I feel comfortable enough to say we share common sensibilities. We even talked about Seinfeld, of all the things. Finally, someone in my family who gets me! Clearly, humor comes from nature, not nurture. I can't wait to learn more.
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Uncle Jerry and Aunt Kathy receiving my gifts |
My Aunt Kathy has become a very special person to me. Not only is she my aunt but she was good friends with Rosie and for a short time they shared an apartment. I feel a special connection with her because of this and many of the other wonderful things she's shared with me. I will be forever thankful for her love, concern and prayers. I had a special gift in mind but I was afraid it would be too personal too soon in our relationship. However, with encouragement from my wife, I decided to present Kathy my baby blanket and a little lock of hair my mom had kept in my baby book from my first haircut. I know she was deeply moved. Of course, I would've loved to have given this gift to Rosie but it didn't work out that way. Though, I'm sure Rosie approves of the gesture.
This is how you celebrate a birthday.