What you are about to read may be the most intimate and personal thing I've posted on this blog. I say this because they aren't my words but those of one of my recently reunited amazing cousins. With her permission I've decided to post her letter as a gentle reminder, mainly to me and other adopted children, our adoption story doesn't only belong to us. We all may feel like the "main" character of some drawn out human drama but we are really only a player in a bigger story on a larger stage.
When I read this email I wept. I wept for my mom and dad who gave me a wonderful upbringing and enough love for ten lifetimes. I wept for my mother Rosemary who made the tough choice to give me up with hope of a better life for me. I wept for my father Darrel, who I've only begun to develop a relationship with. And I wept for the Higgins family; my uncle and aunt, my cousins, and my late grandmother and grandfather, who all lived with me in their hearts for many years before I rediscovered them.
"Hey Todd,
That's all for now! Talk to you soon!