Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I'd like for you to meet someone

Darrel and his lovely wife Terry.
     Typically when you see an online "personal" introduction, it usually involves a proud new mom and dad introducing their newborn child to the world. Technology certainly has made it easier to mass introduce someone instead of sending snapshots to friends and family far and wide. This personal introduction puts a bit of a spin on this "paternal" approach. Instead of a new born, I'd like to introduce every one to my biological father, James "Darrel" Click. With his permission, I've posted a few pictures from his Facebook page. Pictures from his childhood are on the way and I will be adding those as I receive them. 
     Darrel was born in Kentucky and has a twin sister. His family moved to the Dayton area and he graduated from Xenia High School in 1964. In fact, he lived in a home only about 5 minutes from where I live today. He worked for many years as a bulldozer operator for the Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, dredging oceans and other bodies of water, in an effort to rebuild land and beaches. He retired several years ago and now owns a successful lawn care company in Sarasota, Florida. Darrel has a daughter and grand children who live in Kentucky, and a step-daughter and step grand-baby who live in Sarasota.  
Darrel and his twin sister, Brenda
     Darrel met my birthmother Rosemary in the summer of 1968. They dated for a few months but like many young relationships do it fizzled out. To be candid, the whole story surrounding my birth and subsequent adoption is still a little sketchy to me. After all, it's been over forty-five years and all I have to go on it what I've been told. I hope to investigate further and connect more of the dots as I progress through this amazing journey. Either way, I'm very happy to report Darrel and I have been speaking almost every week and I've enjoyed getting to know him better. 
     Plans are being made to hopefully meet face to face sometime this fall at my home in Xenia. If it's not too cold, maybe he we can go fishing in Shawnee Park like me and my dad did a few times. Maybe this time I won't need an adult to bait my hook. We'll see.